January 2023 MAC Newsletter

January Sky Happenings
Full Moon:Jan. 6th
Last Quarter:Jan. 15th
New Moon:Jan. 21st
First Quarter:Jan. 28th

Mercury - Visible in the morning sky in the second half of the month
Venus - Visible in the evening sky low in the West
Mars - Visible in the evening sky in Taurus
Jupiter - Visible in the evening sky in Pisces
Saturn - Visible in the evening sky low in the West

The January Full Moon is the Wolf Moon.

Quadrantid meteor shower peeks on Jan. 3rd (ZHR: 120). Moon interferes.

Venus and Saturn less than half a degree apart at sunset on Jan. 22nd.

Comet C/2022 E3 ZTF will be at perihelion on the 12th, and it will pass closest to the Earth between February 1st and 2nd. It's currently at magnitude 7.88 in Corona Borealis, the Northern Crown, and is visible in binoculars and telescopes. At closest approach the comet will be in Camelopardalis (The Giraffe) and possibly reach magnitude 6.

The Moon is very close to Mars in the morning sky on Jan. 31st.

Sky & Telescope Sky Tour Astronomy Podcast

January Sky Charts:
Mid January looking South at 9pm EST. Image created with SkySafari 6 for Mac OS X, �2010-2018 Simulation Curriculum Corp., skysafariastronomy.com.
Mid January looking North at 9pm EST. Image created with SkySafari 6 for Mac OS X, �2010-2018 Simulation Curriculum Corp., skysafariastronomy.com.

No January club meeting due to the New Year's Day holiday. Our next meeting will be February, 6th.

Have you watched an interesting astronomy related YouTube video, listened to a podcast, or read an online article? Send me the link, and I'll share it with the rest of the club.

Are you doing astrophotography? Send me your latest images, and I'll publish them for the club to see.

Do you have equipment to sale, or are looking for a specific item? Let me know and I'll get the word out to the rest of the club.
